Click here to receive a FREE 10 minute Sound Journey recording!




Hi love, I’m so glad you’re here! ​Welcome.

I'm Luisa Reyes

Sonic & Vocal Alchemist, Intuitive Singer and Writer.

I help people to relax, feel a sense of inner peace and calm, get ​centered within their heart, deepen their intuition and connect ​with the cosmos through the use of sound healing, channeled ​singing, ceremony and astrology.

I’ve been providing sound healing since 2018 and I'm so grateful ​to have shared the power of sound with hundreds of people.

It is my joy and passion to create sonic alchemy journeys and ​other offerings to assist you on your path within a safe, ​supportive welcoming space where you can gather in ​community and connect with like-hearted people.

Geometric Triangle Pattern

Sound is a living interactive

energy, each of us have our

own unique experience with the ​healing vibrations of sound.

These frequencies meet us

where we are in any given

moment and take us on an

inner journey of alchemy.

Sound healing provides many ​physical, mental, emotional & ​spiritual benefits

Improves quality of sleep

Relieves stress

Alleviates anxiety + calms the mind

Deep sense of relaxation

Vitality + rejuvenation

Enhances intuition

Stimulates natural healing of your body

Expands awareness + consciousness

Clears out old emotions

Woman Using Tibetan Singing Bowls

Sound is a living interactive ​energy and I wholeheartedly ​trust its wisdom and power.

Many people call it a sound bath; I prefer the term sonic ​alchemy journey. Each of us have our own unique experience ​with the healing vibrations of sound and these frequencies ​meet us exactly where we are in any given moment.

Through the use of sacred instruments such as voice, crystal ​singing bowls, native drum (and others) these healing sounds ​take you on a personal journey of inner harmony, healing and ​alignment that is perfectly suited to you every single time.

The possibilities are infinite!

Sacred Geometry Circles
Sound Healing with Singing Bowls, Percussion Music. Mental Health
Shaman woman  drumming  closer
venus flower logo icon

The voice is the most powerful ​instrument of all.

It’s the only instrument that is not man-made and it's entirely ​unique to each and every one of us, like a sonic fingerprint.

Singing is my first love and the beauty of channeled singing is ​there are no rules! In this realm whatever wishes to be expressed ​will reveal itself intuitively. Nothing is pre-written, pre-planned or ​contrived.

The songs that come through are an unfoldment that flows freely ​from my Essence in the heart of the moment.

Our voice

is our sonic fingerprint,

it's the most powerful

instrument of all.

The channeled songs

that come through reveal

themselves intuitively and

blossom in the heart

of the moment.


Let's raise our vibration together!

Come journey with me into harmony and experience the ​transformative power of sound.

Saturday July 27th 7 - 8pm | $55

Experience the beautiful soothing sounds and healing ​vibrations of crystal bowls and channeled singing in the ​relaxing ambiance of a salt cave.

Cozy up with a blanket as you sit back, rest and allow these ​healing sounds to wash over you while you breathe in the salty ​air. You will soon find yourself floating in a deep state of peace ​leaving you feeling renewed and refreshed.

Still Dynamics: 3505 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville

I'm so grateful to be featured on TUT

I invite you to read some of my written offerings and I hope they ​resonate with you. Enjoy!



Entering the ​Vibrational


of 7




Scroll down a little bit

to find my story on

the TUT website

I'd love to hear from you!

For general inquiries, collaborations and bookings for public or ​private events, retreats & workshops please email: ​

Platonic Love Icon




Crystal Self Love Energy Grid



Copyright ©2022-2024 Luisa Reyes. All Rights Reserved.

Ontario, Canada